3 Ways to Use the Cloud for School

3 Ways to Use the Cloud for School

We know the Cloud has been an excellent tool for businesses over the years, but it didn’t really take off for schools until the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020. While online schooling was a necessary evil during the pandemic, the availability of the Cloud in education has...
5 Classic Cloud Computing Myths Debunked

5 Classic Cloud Computing Myths Debunked

Cloud computing has been a transformative technology that has revolutionized how businesses operate. But there are several persistent cloud computing myths keeping businesses from fully embracing its benefits. However, these misconceptions shouldn’t strike...
3 Ways Cloud Computing Has Changed Our Lives

3 Ways Cloud Computing Has Changed Our Lives

Here at AiNET, we spend a lot of time discussing cloud computing. How far it’s come, where it’ll go, and how to utilize it. But right now, it’s time to take a step back and appreciate what the cloud does for us as a society. 1- The Cloud Keeps Your Business Afloat We...